How are you at make-up? No, I’m not talking about the mascara and lipstick kind; I’m talking about the “I’m sorry” kind. It confounds me that people stay mad at each other because no one will be the first to say something nice.
Get this. My girlfriend is planning her wedding, a process that should be filled with joy and anticipation. Instead, she spends way too much time figuring out the seating chart so that no feuding people have to sit next to each other! What kind of crap is that?
I can understand being miffed at someone you love. Significant others, family members and friends are not perfect, and neither are we. It’s okay to get mad, just get over it!
I read that only human beings can laugh, LOVE, or show remorse. Well, even though you will never convince me that my poodle doesn’t love me, the rest seems to be reasonable.
If we are so lucky as to be the only creatures that can apologize, I think we should start doing it. It sounds like something of a privilege.
Are you mad at someone right now? Don’t be. One of my best beauty secrets is to forgive and forget. Being mad at someone causes, not only heartache, but wrinkles. Not worth it, honey. I promise you. What’s so crazy is that most of the time people can’t even remember why they are fighting with someone. Life is too special to waste a minute on such nonsense. The new year is about to begin. Give 2014 a fresh start and make up with someone that used to be in your life but isn’t anymore... probably for some ridiculous reason.
Even the Hatfields and McCoys signed a truce after decades of bickering. If they can end the most famous family fight in history, you can forgive your husband for saying, (in front of everyone), that his sister’s spaghetti sauce is the best he ever tasted. He knows YOURS is, but his sister needed the compliment and he knew that you loved him enough to understand. Be grateful that you have such a sweet guy.
It feels great to kiss and make up. You won’t regret it for a minute. Alright, my sweeties, start puckering!