Miss Fifi is off on one of her fabulous adventures, so we, her loyal staff, have chosen an article we love from the archives for you to enjoy!
I have two perfect sisters. I am the oldest of the three of us, but neither of them ever mentions it out loud. My sisters have been known to get giggly and stupid if a business offers a senior citizens rate on food or services. They always let me know how close I am to qualifying. How thoughtful.
The funny thing is that both of my sisters think that I am so damn accomplished and exciting. Just because I have told them that I am “The Queen of the World”, I didn’t actually think that they believed me.
The truth of the matter is, even though I obviously have them convinced that I am brilliant beyond words and completely fabulous in all ways, it is really me who is humbled by them.
We call my middle sister Del. It’s a shortened version of her proper name, but I still like to tell everyone that it’s short for “delicious”. She is taller than me with natural platinum blonde hair and devastating baby blue eyes. When she enters a room, she is always noticed, and it’s more than just her looks. It’s the way she carries herself. She has this regal air about her. Just recently I gave her a dark brown outfit of mine that I never wore. When she put it on, she was an elegant vision in espresso colored gauze. Gorgeous! I never wore it because I looked like a big bran muffin in it. She can carry off what others can’t.
She didn’t always stand up straight and tall and walk into a room like she owned the place. Growing up in a world of button-nosed size 5 “Gidget” girls had an effect on her self esteem. One day she explained to me why she sought the shadows rather than the spotlight. No... it’s not because I pushed her out of the way.
I will never forget that moment when she explained to me, quite tearfully, that her height and athletic shape made her feel awkward and unbeautiful amongst all the little petite girls. It came as such a shock to me. “But sister!” I told her, "You are SO beautiful. You are my palomino.” “Palomino?” she asked quizzingly. I went on to tell her that she has always reminded me of one of those gorgeous palomino horses. The very essence of magnificence... the palest gold in color with a silky flaxen mane that blows in the wind as this thoroughbred creature gallops gracefully through life. Powerful, beautiful and strong.
Del liked that. Now every time she is having a bad hair day, a fat day, or a generally crappy day, she asks me to tell her that “palomino thing” again.
Jackie is our baby sister. Soon she will turn 48. Since no one does denial better than she does, she refers to this upcoming birthday as turning 30/18.
Everyone loves Jackie. She is pretty and sexy and funny. She can dance and sing and will do so with all she’s got as if no one is watching. She is a free spirit who would rather be sitting on the back of a Harley than having tea with the queen, but there is a gentle feminine innocence to her that captivates and charms. Have you ever been outside and all of a sudden, out of nowhere comes this beautiful creature with iridescent multi-colored wings fluttering by? Every eye is watching as it flits poetically from flower to leaf. It’s like that when Jackie is around. Jackie spent a good part of her life in the security and darkness of her own personal cocoon. Even when she evolved from a caterpillar, there were times when even the ones who loved her most had trouble believing that she would ever find the courage to change and take flight. But just like the process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly is a miracle of nature, so is our baby sister. When she finally emerged and faced the world, she discovered that she was one of the most beautiful things in it.
These are words I have wanted to write for a very long time. Today seemed like the perfect opportunity to pay tribute to my beautiful sisters. They mean the world to me. And besides, we have no idea who will die first, so if it’s not me, I have a great head start on their eulogies.
I love you, Dellie and Jacks. I love you both ridiculous amounts and I am so proud to be your sister. Oh sorry... your older sister. I know how much you love to hear me say those words!