I have such vacation fever, it’s crazy. I love to get away at this time of year because the kids are all back at school and some of the best places to go are reasonably quiet and inexpensive.
I sat down at the computer and started shopping for a place to get away from it all. I live in California, so sun is not a novelty to me. I wanted to go somewhere that I can just be me. No make up, no hair-dos, no muss and fuss. I just want to relax. I am planning on going alone, so I don't have to make anyone happy but me. Contrary to popular belief, I am not hard to please. I just need a comfortable bed and some peace and quiet. I don't ski or toboggan, but I do like the snow. Sitting by a nice fire and sipping cognac is sport enough for me. If I went somewhere tropical, that would be fine. As long as they have air conditioning and a pool where I can dangle my feet while drinking a mojito, I would be happy. I don't drink much in real life because I always have work to do or a place to go and alcohol doesn't fit into my life style. But I do enjoy cocktails when I don't have anything to do but take it easy.
Okay, so back to where I am going to go. I wanted something out of the ordinary. I don't have time to go to the Galapagos Islands or Katmandu. Going to Hawaii or Acapulco is too touristy. Where can I go that is unexplored, but not too primitive? What kind of vacation spot will I be able to talk about when I get back and have everyone fascinated? Here are some great REAL places I found. Wanna come along?
I bet we would have a great time in Happyland, CT. We could turn a frown upside-down in Smileyberg, KS. If we were especially hungry, we might visit Sandwich, MA. I love animals, so Hippo, KY, Chicken, AK, and Monkey’s Eyebrow, AZ could be fun. You know, if we just want something not too exciting, Okay, OK, Ordinary, KY, or Boring, OR would be perfect.
Alright, I am done being silly, but these are real places... no kidding. But when all was said and done, I have decided to spend a few days in Palm Springs, CA. It's close and the desert is lovely at this time of year. In Fifi speak, that means it's not hot. I hate to be hot. I am speaking of the temperature way, not the "oh baby, you look hot!" way.
You see, in the quiet of Palm Springs, I can take in the serenity of the desert landscapes, experience a sunrise, or perhaps even one of those magnificent desert sunsets that are so often captured in photographic art. I can explore my inner self, meditate and even begin a spiritual journey that may carry me the rest of my life.
On the second day there are shopping outlets, restaurants, and casinos. Woohoo! I am all set!
By the way, so many of you have asked what is going on with that new man in my life. He is still around and we still see each other, but we have decided to be friends. To be honest, he just wasn't husband material. Sadly, the only men I seem to meet that ARE husband material all have the same imperfection—they have wives. Well, I'm off to the springs!