Is there anything more precious than a newborn baby? I think not. I can remember my tiny ones smiling those toothless smiles at me. And, by the way, I never believed that “gassy” theory about newborns smiling. I always knew those loving grins were just for mommy.
Being pregnant is filled with wonderment. I honestly believe that a woman never feels more like a woman than when she is “with child”. The 9 months go by (sooooo slowly) and the baby is born! He or she arrives so soft and adorable with those darling little “nibble-able” hands and feet. Isn’t the smell of a baby (a bathed one, of course) one of the best scents in the world? I was thinking... the guys who formulated “New Car” smell, should work on “New Baby.” It would be a winner.
Yes, having children is perfectly divine. Well, it IS divine, but not exactly perfect.
Let’s see, you gained 50 lbs. and lost 8 pounds and 5 ounces. I‘m no math whiz, but something is wrong here. Your perky breasts have lost their “perk”, and your mid-section now has stretch marks that look like a road map of New Jersey.
It isn’t fair, but that’s the way it is. If it sounds all too familiar, don’t cry because there is hope. I am going to be straight with you: You probably won’t get your old body back. I have waited 20 years and mine hasn’t shown up yet. But, you CAN learn to be happy about being beautiful in a new way.
Okay, there is no way to make light of the saggy breasts or the wider hips that come with childbirth. There are ways to work around those little problems. Just write to me anytime at Fifi@LoveFifi.com. I can teach you how to perk up the "girls"' flatten your tummy, look a dress size smaller and more. Bodies can be re-balanced with a little advice and some padding and spandex.
Trust me, the first time this little angel plants a slobbery kiss on you and says, “Mama", you will fully understand that being a little rounder and ending up with breasts that look more like gym socks filled with sand is a small price to pay for such bliss.
You are probably wondering why I am so fixated on babies today. If the truth be known, I recently gave birth myself and I am brimming with pride. Don't gasp, I didn't have a real baby. That train left the station a long time ago. If I had just given birth, I would be on the phone right now with the National Enquirer making my deal as the oldest woman to have a baby in the history of man.
I have so many pregnant ladies and new mothers who don't want to give up their sexiness during pregnancy or after childbirth. I am always asked if it is appropriate to wear lingerie when one is expecting. Of course it is! The next question I get is from new moms who are nursing. The bras out there are functional but so ugly... until NOW!
I have created the sexiest nursing bra ever! It's called the Pretty Mommy Nursing Bra and it is comfortable, convenient and gorgeous. This bra was a long time in coming. I have actually been pregnant with the idea for years, but now the blessed event has happened and if you check tomorrow's email from LoveFifi.com, you can see this magnificent bra and also my darling grand daughter, Lulu, in her modeling debut.
I do apologize for this little commercial about my history-making nursing bra with lots of "ooh la la". We are very excited about it.
I am in Virginia for a few days to celebrate my best friend Claudia's birthday. A few days in the South is good for me and I am sure I will have lots to talk about next week. Take care, my loves.