Do you remember the girl in high school who was as pretty as a pageant queen? She would walk down the hall and every head would turn. She had perfect hair, flawless clothes, and a smile like a tooth paste commercial. Every school had a girl like this
The one at my school was a redhead named Stephanie Worthington. In case you didn't know, perfect girls always have movie star sounding names. You will never find one of these impeccable creatures with a name like Gertie Wiggendorfer. It just doesn't happen.
The older you get, the more you realize that there will always be a "Little Miss Perfect" in your midst. I have learned to live with this, but I don't always like it. For one thing, these women never gain weight. I remember being at a luncheon years ago with Stephanie. She had just polished off her second éclair and was complaining bitterly about how difficult it is to keep weight on. Oh, bite me!
When my daughter played Varsity Softball at her high school, I would go to her games and usually end up sitting next to one of the moms whose name was Mary Grace. She was absolutely a Miss Perfect. Her hair was always gorgeous and she came to the games in these adorable little sport outfits that were usually the team colors. She was genuinely sweet to me and pretended not to notice the coffee stains on my shirt from my morning drive hours before. She was impossible to hate, although I assure you, I tried the whole first season.
She was just lovely and I can bet that her house was, too. I never went to her home, but I am willing to bet that Better Homes and Gardens could have come in and done a photo shoot without calling first.
If that isn't enough - get this - she usually made cookies for the team and their families for after the game, and they were the best chocolate chip cookies I had ever eaten!
Was this fair? Of course it was. I think these women were put on this earth not to annoy or intimidate us, but to INSPIRE us. When there is a Miss Perfect to compare ourselves to, we are reminded that it wouldn't kill us to run a comb through our hair or cook something from scratch once in a while.
Believe me when I say that we should be grateful for Little Miss Perfect. She keeps us on our toes! And you know what? I bet she daydreams about being cool like us.
Talk to you next week!