Yesterday, I heard that great Tina Turner song "What's Love Got to Do With It?". After I stopped dancing, I thought about the question. If you were to ask me what the best thing about my life was, I wouldn't have to think twice. It's the amazing people who love me and let me love them back. Love has everything to do with my happiness. I am so lucky. Yes, I am feeling mushy. It's not Valentine's Day or Thanksgiving. It doesn't have to be a Hallmark holiday to feel sentimental. I have chosen the middle of July to do it.
Human beings are the only creatures that can feel true love. Even though you think your Schnauzer loves you, it’s not the same kind of love that people experience.
The word "love" is a little bit overused in my estimation. To give love and to be loved are two of the best gifts in life. I think we should be more selective about how we use the term. We don't ever want this word to get diluted in meaning. It is an awesome word that should be kept on a pedestal under lock and key.
“How do we KNOW when we are loved? It’s important to recognize it when love comes your way.”In case you're not quite getting it, try this example... on Dancing With The Stars, most of the contestants on that show are not "stars" at all. In fact, some of them I have never even heard of. If they are stars... then what are Julia Roberts or Clint Eastwood? You see what I mean? Some words should never be thrown around willy nilly.
I think that we should say that we are crazy about chocolate and extremely fond of going to Hawaii. Love should be reserved for the people and things that live inside your heart and make you weak in the knees.
How do we KNOW when we are loved? It’s important to recognize it when love comes your way. It arrives in so many forms and some of the most fabulous ways are very subtle. All the varieties of love are wonderful to reflect on. Do this little drill. Close your eyes and think about the special ways you have been loved. Start from your earliest recollections up until today. Review the ways that people have shown you love. It's an awesome trip and guaranteed to warm your soul. I am doing it right now. Come along and see how it works.
When I was a little girl, my parents told me every day that they loved me. Even if they hadn't said the words so often, I could feel it. My mom used to make pancakes on Sunday for the family and she always made these little teensy weensy pancakes just for me. She called them “dolly” pancakes. And when I would run through the sprinklers in the summertime, she would greet me at the back door with towels right out of the dryer. There was never a doubt that my Daddy loved me too. He taught me how to do so many things with so much patience. And most importantly, why else would a grown man let a 6 year old stand on the tops of his feet and dance madly around the living room? These were all beautiful acts of love.
When I was 16, my boyfriend gave me his class ring and was the first love of my life. He said “I love you” all the time, wrote me gooey notes and called me every night. I was sure that he truly loved me until some idiot spiked the punch at a school dance and I threw up in the center console of his prized 1964 Thunderbird. He never got over it and it was all downhill from there. I not only seriously questioned boyfriend/girlfriend love for a long time after that, I gave new meaning to " the scent of a woman".
When I was in college, my boyfriend rarely said that he loved me out loud. He was a starving student and worked 2 jobs. I liked music playing when I studied. He would quietly change the LP’s on the stereo so that my listening pleasure was seamless. He stayed up with me many long nights and helped me cram for tests. I can honestly say that he loved me, but I didn’t appreciate it at the time. I broke up with him when I graduated and broke his heart. Peter, if you are out there, I am so sorry. You deserved better.
As most of you know, my younger sister works with me here at LoveFifi.com. She will often pop into my office and bring me a cup of coffee or a little snack. She is pretty busy herself, but she always thinks of my needs. That’s real love.
Now that I am older, I know that there is so much more than just saying the words “I Love You”. Real love is not measured in gifts, or extravagances, although an occasional diamond never hurts to drive the point home. Love is better measured in things you do.
One of my dearest friends gave me the pill box that was his mother's. She lived until the age of 96 and carried this pill box all her life. Every time I open it, I think of how much he must have loved me to give me this treasure. My friend is also gone, so it means even more.
One of my middle daughters used to make sure that no one in the family got the chicken drumsticks because those were her baby sister's favorite. Considering that those two sniped at each other constantly, it was sweet to see this act of love.
Probably the most wonderful display of romantic love happened to me a some years ago. I was returning from a grueling business trip in Europe and I had a stop in Chicago on the way home to Los Angeles. As I was sitting in the airport waiting for my flight, I looked up and was stunned to see my man walking towards me. He knew I was exhausted and flew from LA to accompany me on the last leg of my trip. We held hands and I fell asleep on his shoulder. No words could ever speak as loudly as his surprise. I felt so loved.
So, now it's YOUR turn. I want to know your stories. Tell me about an unbelievably special experience with someone who loves you. Small or big... it's all good. Jump on this love train with me and let's go! I will print the best letters next week.