The publishers of the magazine and I became good friends and I started advertising in their publication on a regular basis. After all, the women who ride on motorcycles are hot and sexy, so LoveFifi was a perfect fit.
Recently my publisher friends invited me to come and mingle with the motorcycle crowd and talk about love, life, and lingerie at one of their big biker events. I was thrilled! I was a little nervous about going since I know as much about motorcycles and the biker lifestyle as I do about molecular biology. I didn’t lie, but I did kind of make them think that the motorcycle life was second nature to me. I didn’t want them to think I was some fluffy California cupcake who didn’t understand the adrenaline rush of riding on a Harley. I never admitted to these folks that the only bike I have ever been on said “Schwinn” on it, but if it counts for anything, when I was a kid, I used to clip playing cards to the spokes with clothespins so my bicycle would make a vroom vroom noise when I pedaled. I am not new to the sound of thunder between my thighs.
So, I headed for Spring Bike Week in Ocean City, Maryland. I was a little conflicted as to what to pack. I didn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb, but I wasn’t sure if the motorcycle community would understand my usual Fifi attire. I think that leopard print is a wardrobe basic, but not everybody else does. I didn’t want to look like an obvious outsider like the proverbial nun at an orgy, so I did what any self respecting “wannabe” would do... I Googled “biker chick”.
Wow! I not only got wonderful fashion tips, I realized that being a motorcycle mama is just like being a LoveFifi girl. Neither one is about numbers. Women of all sizes and age groups ride motorcycles!. Game on!
I looked at endless photos of sexy women on Harleys and other monster machines. Some were on the back of a motorcycle on the second seat, but many were on their own bikes. I especially appreciated the ladies whose helmets were painted to match their bikes. Fabulous! This was going to be easier than I thought.
Of course, I dragged my sister along on the trip. She is a retired police officer and she naturally protects me and keeps me out of trouble. She has actually ridden on motorcycles, so she would be indispensable at helping me blend in. So I packed up my bandanas, denim vests, and a couple pairs of boots. Ok, I won’t lie... all my bandanas matched my outfits and I BEDAZZLED them with rhinestones before we left. I go nowhere without my bling. Not even to a biker event.
When we arrived at the venue, we got to meet our new best friends, Walt and Caroline, from Fast Lane Biker Magazine DELMARVA. We had only known each other through emails and phone calls before this. It felt like we had been friends for ages and they made us feel instantly at ease. The hard rock music was blaring, the drinks were flowing, and the sea of custom motorcycles all around us was awesome. We were only there a short time before a hot–looking, leather-clad biker guy pointed to my boots, said they were “bad ass”, and high fived me. I couldn’t have been more excited if someone had just told me that I was looking a little too thin.
The party really got rocking later on in the evening. There was a frenzy of dancing and romantic cavorting. Mayhem and foolishness abounded... in a good way. I have only seen women dancing on tables in the movies, but at biker events it’s as natural as breathing. A really drunk guy approached me, winked, and then whispered in my ear that I looked like a movie star. He didn’t mention which one, but I will take it as a compliment and hope he wasn’t talking about Al Pacino. The crowd was very controlled and well-mannered, but they really knew how to have a good time. We had so much fun. My only misstep in blowing my cover was at the bar. When I tried to order a Sapphire martini straight up, dirty with extra olives, the bartender looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language. Thank goodness the music was so loud he couldn’t actually hear me so I and just pointed to the Sam Adams spigot behind him and smiled. Whew, that was a close one.
The people were all very warm and receptive to my sister and me. Many already knew about LoveFifi through our ads and some had already ordered from us! We have already been invited to the next event in the fall. Woohoo!
During the three-day rally, I was asked numerous times to go on a ride. Paralyzed by fear, I graciously asked for a rain check and explained that I was recovering from an accident. I displayed the huge bruises on my leg and explained that I was taking it easy. I DID have an accident. Ok... I didn’t exactly fall off a Harley. I fell down the steps of the condo where we were staying. Let’s keep that between us.
Ok, here’s my big question. How many of my darling readers are into motorcycles? Do you own one? Do you like to ride on the back of one? Please write to me and tell me. Better yet, send me photos. Now that I am officially “bad ass”, I want to know everything!